Saturday, January 31, 2009

Being A Health Unit Coordinator or Marketing Convergence

Being A Health Unit Coordinator

Author: Kay Cox Stevens

Kay Cox-Stevens

Retaining an emphasis on the patient-centered approach, Kay Cox-Stevens' Being A Health Unit Coordinator continues to provide the information health unit coordinators must comprehend. This up-to-date text is appropriate for students enrolled in unit coordinating programs or as a reference for those that are practicing. It moves from the simple to the complex, laying a foundation of skills necessary for all medical-clerical workers, then follows with more specific health unit coordinating procedures. New medication information, review questions, learning activities, and updated chapter information, make the new Fifth Edition an even more current and complete reference for success. Features

  • The newest information on diagnostic and therapeutic orders.
  • More information on the impact of managed care on the heath care facility.
  • New information on medical records management.
  • An update on medical laws and ethics.
  • An update on new medications.
  • Learning activities with critical thinking questions.

Other Titles of Interest
Marshall, Being a Medical Clerical Worker, 2/e
McMiller, Being a Medical Records Clerk, 2/e
Struck, Medical Office Pharmacology
Dodson, Being a Medical Information Coder, 2/e
Makely, The Health Care Workers Primer on Professionalism


Retaining an emphasis on the patient-centered approach, this text and workbook is appropriate for students enrolled in unit coordinating programs. Material progresses from skills necessary for all medical- clerical workers to specific health unit coordinating procedures. This fifth edition contains new medication information, review questions, learning activities, and updated information on the impact of managed care on the health care facility, medical records management, and medical laws and ethics. The author is a health careers specialist and professor at Saddleback College. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction to Being a Health Unit Coordinator.
2. The Working Environment.
3. The Hospital Departments.
4. Medical Terminology.
5. Introduction to Body Structure and Function.
6. Diseases and Diagnoses.
7. Medical Law and Ethics.
8. Communications.
9. Hospital Safety and Emergencies.
10. Introduction to Management at the Nurses Station.
11. The Patient's Chart.
12. The Health Unit Coordinator and Computers.
13. Introduction to Order Transcription.
14. Understanding Medication Orders.
15. Nursing Procedure Orders.
16. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Department Orders.
17. Health Unit Coordinator Procedures.
18. Review.
19. Order Transcription Practice.

Book about: Easy and Hot from the Oven or Eating Apples

Marketing Convergence: How the Leading Companies Are Profiting from Integrating Online and Offline Marketing Strategies

Author: Susan K Jones

With the exponential growth of the Internet in the past few years, this tool has become a powerful venue for marketing products to consumers. This book is engineered for professionals looking to gain a better understanding of the integration of technologies and marketing strategies. By understanding the key elements of converging various marketing channels and strategies, professionals will be well on the way to marketing success beating the competition.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Global Production Networking and Technological Change in East Asia or Mexico

Global Production Networking and Technological Change in East Asia

Author: Shahid Yusuf

In the coming decades, East Asian economies must face the challenges of an increasingly globalized marketplace. This book explores the changing parameters of competition in East Asia, and argues that success ultimately will depend on the ability of the regions firms to harness the potential of global production networks and to build their own innovative capability. Presenting the latest findings on global production networks and the evolution of technological capabilities, it provides researchers, students, and policymakers with in-depth information and analysis on key issues related to growth and development in East Asia.

New interesting book: Capitalismo dai capitalisti - liberare di risparmio il potere dei mercati finanziari di generare ricchezza ed occasione sparsa

Mexico: The Remaking of an Economy

Author: Nora Lustig

Today Mexico is viewed as a success story in the management of economic adjustment and structural reform. Inflation is under control, capital and foreign investment are returning, and output growth has increased. Mexico's recovery, however, has been neither fast nor smooth, and the social costs the country has borne for the past several years have been very large. In 1982, Mexico faced a severe balance-of-payments crisis. Rampant inflation, capital flight, and a collapse of economic activity were the consequences of an overexpansionist fiscal policy and adverse external conditions. For the next five years, the Mexican government struggled to restore stability and growth without success. Falling oil prices and lack of adequate external financing made these goals extremely difficult to achieve. With the implementation of the Economic Solidarity Pact, inflation was finally brought down in 1988. However, fiscal discipline and far-reaching reforms notwithstanding, growth did not follow. To convince investors to put their capital in Mexico required something more. Initiatives such as the reprivatization of the banking system and the pursuit of a free trade agreement with the United States finally produced the observed turnaround starting in 1990. In this book, Nora Lustig tells the story of adjustment and reform in Mexico from the onset of the debt crisis in 1982 through the early 1990s when the sweeping reforms began to bear fruit. The author looks closely at the social costs of adjustment and who bore the greatest share. In addition, she explores the characteristics of the new development strategy and analyzes the motivations and potential consequences of Mexico's search for greater economic integration with the United States.

Table of Contents:
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Mexico's Adjustment and Recovery: A Summary2
A Note on Method12
1The Genesis of the 1982 Crisis14
The Golden Years of "Stabilizing Development"14
Macroeconomic Imbalances and the 1976 Balance-of-Payments Crisis17
The Oil Boom and the Onset of the 1982 Crisis20
Concluding Remarks26
2From Crisis to Recovery28
The First Attempt at Stabilization, 1983-8529
The Failure of the First Stabilization Program34
From the 1986 Oil Shock to the 1987 Run on the Peso39
The Implementation of the Economic Solidarity Pact50
The Pursuit of Economic Recovery55
Concluding Remarks59
3The Social Costs of Adjustment61
Adjustment, Living Standards, and Income Distribution61
Living Conditions before the Crisis65
Trends in Earned Real Incomes since 198266
Unemployment and Employment Patterns75
Social Income: The Evolution of Public Spending on Social Sectors78
Resource Availability in Education and Health83
Food Subsidies: From General to Targeted86
Social Indicators: Nutrition and Health, Education, and Incidence of Crime87
Household Survival Strategies89
Who Bore the Costs and to What Extent?92
Concluding Remarks94
4Public Sector Reforms96
Fiscal Policy Reform98
Divestiture of Public Enterprises103
Concluding Remarks112
5Looking Outward: Reforms in the Foreign Trade and Investment Regimes114
Trade Liberalization117
Impact of Trade Liberalization on Economic Performance120
Industrial Programs122
The Changing Foreign Investment Regime125
Intellectual Property Rights129
Joining the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade130
Seeking Closer Ties with the United States132
Concluding Remarks137
Appendix: Agreement Signed by Mexico and Its Commercial Banks on Debt and Debt Service Reduction141

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Talking about Machines or Monetary Politics

Talking about Machines: An Ethnography of a Modern Job

Author: Julian E E Orr

This is a story of how work gets done. It is also a study of how field service technicians talk about their work and how that talk is instrumental in their success. In his innovative ethnography, Julian E. Orr studies the people who repair photocopiers and shares vignettes from their daily lives. He characterizes their work as a continuous highly skilled improvisation within a triangular relationship of technician, customer, and machine.

Read also Your Miraculous Back or Arthritis of the Hip and Knee

Monetary Politics: The Federal Reserve and the Politics of Monetary Policy

Author: John T T Woolley

This is the first book to describe and analyze the relationships between the Federal Reserve and the president, Congress, bankers, and economists. Far from being politically independent, the Federal Reserve is shown to be sensitive to a wide range of political influences.

Table of Contents:
1.The Federal Reserve and the Politics of Monetary Policy: Introduction and Overview1
What is at stake?3
Relationships with external actors10
A framework for examining issues and relationships in monetary politics15
The political position of the Federal Reserve22
Conclusion and overview27
2.A Capsule History of the Federal Reserve System30
Defining the role of government in financial matters31
The Federal Reserve: proximate sources35
The conception of the role of the Federal Reserve39
Resolving the question of the location of power over monetary policy41
3.Recruitment and Selection of Federal Reserve Personnel48
Recruitment processes49
Occupational backgrounds of successful candidates55
Background and behavior61
Movement out of the System64
4.Bankers and the Federal Reserve69
The question of capture69
Bankers' interests71
Bankers' political resources74
What have the bankers received?80
5.Economists and the Federal Reserve88
Monetarists and the issues in monetary politics90
Mainstream economists and control of the Federal Reserve96
The monetarist counterthrust99
Economists' conflicts and Federal Reserve behavior101
6.The President and the Federal Reserve108
Presidential relations with the Federal Reserve109
7.Congress and the Federal Reserve131
Congress: capabilities and incentives132
The banking committees133
Patterns of interaction with the Federal Reserve138
The congressional challenge of 1975144
8.Making Monetary Policy in a Political Environment: The Election of 1972154
The plausibility of the charge of election-year misbehavior155
Discordant notes: Burns versus the White House, 1970-1971157
The alternative view: the pressure of controls158
Inside the FOMC in 1972161
1972 in retrospect168
9.Monetary Politics: A Summary181
Political economy approaches185
Patterns of mobilization and monetary politics190
Appendix AA Note on Data Sources195
Appendix BLegislation Included in Table 7.1203
Appendix CAcademic Backgrounds and Career Experiences of Notable Monetarists208
Bibliographic Note271

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Religion in a Global Society or The Technology Leaders

Religion in a Global Society

Author: Peter Beyer

Saying the word "religion" in today's world evokes a bewildering and often contradictory variety of images and attitudes. From the Dalai Lama to Falun Gong, from mosque to temple, "religion" covers a multitude of practices, worldviews and cosmologies. This book, by a distinguished sociologist of religion, offers a way of understanding religion in contemporary global society, by analyzing it as a dimension of the historical process of globalization. Written with exceptional clarity, it introduces theories of globalization, show how they can be applied to world religions, and illustrates the discussion with examples ranging from Islam and Hinduism to African traditional religions and new age spirituality.

Table of Contents:
1Globalization and global society18
2The religious system of global society62
3Formation and re-formation of Abrahamic religions : Christianity and Islam117
4The realization of Hinduism188
5Refusal and appropriation in East Asia : Confucianism and Shinto225
6New religions, non-institutionalized religiosity and the control of a contested category254

Book about: Buchfreunde

The Technology Leaders: How America's Most Profitable High-Tech Companies Innovate Their Way to Success

Author: Peter S Cohan

Follow America's High-Tech Leaders to Sustained Growth and Profitability
?With forceful and engaging style, Cohan describes what makes technology companies like Hewlett-Packard so successful....Any executive aspiring to market leadership should read The Technology Leaders.?
-- Dean O. Morton, retired executive vice president, COO and director, Hewlett-Packard Company As organizations emerge from an era of epochal downsizing, managers are beginning to realize that repeated cost-cutting is no longer the path to sustained profitable growth. Clearly, a new strategy is called for. In this landmark work, Peter Cohan details the practices of today's most vital, prosperous companies -- America's high-tech leaders -- and demonstrates how other companies can follow their remarkable example and thrive in a hypercompetitive marketplace driven by rapid product innovation.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Entrepreneurship or Selected Readings in Business

Entrepreneurship: Process Perspective

Author: Robert A Baron

Entrepreneurship books may, understandably, be viewed with some suspicion, as being nothing more than common sense dressed-up, and nothing unique or innovative. But Baron and Shane have attempted something new. Baron and Shane focus on the entrepreneurial process as it moves through several distinct phases: (1) generating ideas and recognizing opportunities, (2) assembling resources, (3) launching the new venture, (4) building success, and (5) harvesting the rewards. At each stage, they analyze these processes along three dimensions, examining individual, group, and societal contexts. Accessible and rich in examples, Baron and Shane gain the upper hand by fusing concepts, theory, and research with the supporting pedagogy.

Interesting book: Contabilidad Avanzada

Selected Readings in Business: Millennium Edition

Author: Myra Ann Shulman

The revised edition of Selected Readings in Business addresses the new developments in the business world since 1991--e-commerce, information technology, women's status as professionals, application of science to business, and the increasing globalization of our world. Each unit has Internet activities to accompany it. Still the perfect text for international students embarking on an MBA program or a business career.

Table of Contents:
To the Student
Ch. 1The Future1
The New Atlantic Century
The Next Society
Ch. 2Globalization24
Sizing Up Global Integration
Nationality Matters More than Ever: That's No Joke
Ch.3Mergers and Acquisitions35
Buying into Japan Inc
Japanese Mergers: Marriage in Name Only
Ch. 4Language45
Beyond Babel: Why the Babble Below Will Matter Less
The Triumph of English: A World Empire By Other Means
Ch. 5Brand Names59
Developing a Name to Work Worldwide
Luxury Goods Firms Target the Middle East
Ch. 6The Internet70
A Net Not Made in America
Turkey Logs On
Ch. 7Information Technology81
Go Mobile - Now!
Key Shift for IT
A Truly Global Web
Bit Player
Ch. 8Science100
The Biology Century Dawns
DNA: Handle With Care
Ch. 9Health112
For Developing Countries, Health Is Wealth
Can We Learn to Beat the Reaper?
Ch. 10Working Women126
All It Takes Is a Dream
Cracks in Mexico's Glass Ceiling
Rio Co-op Raises Worker Standards, Fashionably
Ch. 11Expatriate Employees142
Expat Training
An American Expat's View
Women Working Overseas
Ch. 12Contract Negotiation158
Good Negotiation Equals Good Contracts
You Say Tomato
Ch. 13Management171
How We Went Digital Without a Strategy
Separating Sheep from Goats as Start-ups Fall to Earth
Ch. 14Entrepreneurship187
Dream Deferred: The Story of a High-Tech Entrepreneur in a Low-Tech World
Smart and Smarter
ADefinitions of Writing Terms and Examples of Writing Styles209
BStrategies for Communication215
C"Globalization's Last Hurrah?"245

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Presentation Success or Cassette Culture

Presentation Success: A Step-by-Step Approach

Author: Jackie L Jankovich Hartman

Presentation Success: A Step-by-Step Approach is divided into four phases. Each phase consists of building blocks that lead readers to success when making presentations. By using the checklists provided throughout the book, readers will avoid common mistakes made by others as well as eliminate frantic moments and memorable disasters. The guidelines in this book are tried and true.

Interesting book: Oh Boy I Cant Believe Its Soy or The Bountiful Arbor

Cassette Culture: Popular Music and Technology in North India

Author: Peter Lamarche Manuel

In Cassette Culture, Peter Manuel tells how a new mass medium—the portable cassette player—caused a major upheaval in popular culture in the world's second-largest country. The advent of cassette technology in the 1980s transformed India's popular music industry from the virtual monopoly of a single multinational LP manufacturer to a free-for-all among hundreds of local cassette producers. The result was a revolution in the quantity, quality, and variety of Indian popular music and its patterns of dissemination and consumption.

Manuel shows that the cassette revolution, however, has brought new contradictions and problems to Indian culture. While inexpensive cassettes revitalized local subcultures and community values throughout the subcontinent, they were also a vehicle for regional and political factionalism, new forms of commercial vulgarity, and, disturbingly, the most provocative sorts of hate-mongering and religious chauvinism.

Cassette Culture is the first scholarly account of Indian popular music and the first case study of a technological revolution now occurring throughout the world. It will be an essential resource for anyone interested in modern India, communications theory, world popular music, or contemporary global culture.

Table of Contents:
Motivations and Predispositions
Scope and Orientation
1. Introduction: Theoretical Perspectives
Cassettes and the New Media Technologies
Cassette Technology and the "Democratic-Participant" Media
Theoretical Approaches: Ethnomusicology and Media Theory
Control of the Media
Media Content
Reception Theory: Effects and Audience Interpretations of Media Content
Base and Superstructure in an Integrated Cultural Materialism
2. The Impact of Cassettes on the International Recording Industry
Contrasting Patterns of Development
The International Impact of Cassette Technology
Cassette Piracy
The Emergence of Legitimate Cassette Industries
3. The Music Industry and Film Culture up to 1975
The Growth of the Indian Record Industry
Film Music and Film Culture
Film Music: Context and Content
The Impact of Film Music on Folk Music
4. The Advent of Cassettes: New Alternatives to His Master's Voice
Cassettes come to India
Cassette Producers
Financial and Technological Aspects of the Cassette Industry
Promotion and Publicity
Music-Industry Organizations
Compact Discs
5. Cassettes and the Modern Ghazal
The Traditional Ghazal
The Rise and Fall of the Film Ghazal
The Modern Ghazal
"Pop" Goes the Ghazal
6. Devotional Music
Music and Bhakti in Hindu Culture
Devotional Music and the Mass Media
Ghazal, Cassettes, and the Emergence of the PopBhajan
The Mainstream Pop Bhajan: Aesthetics, Ethos, and Commercialism
"Great" and "Little Traditions" in Commercial Devotional Music
Production and Marketing of Devotional Music
Muslim Devotional Music
Cassettes and Live Performance
7. The Politics of Parody: Tune-Borrowing in Popular and Folk Music
Parody in Hindustani Music
Parody in Folk Music

"Versions": Recycling the Classics
8. Regional Musics
Social Identity and Regional Syncretic Musics
Cassettes and Diversification: Region, Language, and Genre
Cassettes and Class Expression
The Impact of Commodification
Song Texts in Regional Cassette-Based Music
Cassettes and Lewd Regional Songs
Cassettes and Live Performance
Regional Cassette Musics
9. Rasiya: A Case Study in Commercialization
Braj Culture and Rasiya
Song Texts in Secular Folk Rasiya
Gender Representation in Rasiya
Rasiya and Socioeconomic Modernization
Rasiya and Mass Culture
Film Parodies and Hathrasi Rasiya
The Advent of Cassettes
Cassettes and the "Little Tradition" of Rasiya Bhakti
Secular Rasiya Cassettes
Song Texts in Commercial Rasiya
Disparaging Perspectives
M. H. Zaidi, Rasiya Producer
Singer-Poet Sevaram "Tanatan" Sharma
10. Cassettes and Sociopolitical Movements
Jagori: Cassettes and Women's Liberation
Regional Movements in Eastern Bihar
Cassettes and the 1989 Elections
Regional and Sectarian Movements
Cassettes and the Contemporary Hindu-Muslim Conflict
11. Conclusions: A Micro-Medium in Macro-Perspective
Glossary of Indian-Language Terms
Some Recent Parodies in Film Music

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Stress and Job Performance or OLeary Series

Stress and Job Performance: Theory, Research, and Implications for Managerial Practice

Author: Steve M Jex

What is the relationship between occupational stress and job performance? The amount of money workplace stress is extracting from the economy is estimated to be in the billions of dollars. Such estimates are based on the assumption that workplace stress leads to increased healthcare costs, higher rates of absenteeism and turnover, accidents, and lower levels of performance and organizational productivity. In Stress and Job Performance, author Steve M. Jex provides a comprehensive, research-based examination of the relationship between occupational stress and job performance. He presents a concise overview of the field, a clear explanation of terms and concepts, and a summary of relevant theoretical models of the stress process. He examines the relationship between major job-related stressors (such as workload, interpersonal conflict, and lack of control) and a variety of performance indices. In addition, he explores a number of other factors that may affect the relationship between occupational stress and job performance, including gender differences, age, personality, and job experience. The book concludes with a look at issues that need to be considered in future research investigations. Written in a non-technical, accessible style, Stress and Job Performance is recommended for students, scholars, and readers who do not have an extensive background in the behavioral sciences.


A research based assessment of the relationship between stress and performance. After an overview of the field, the author summarizes relevant theoretical models of the stress process and explores the relationship between major job-related stressors and a variety of performance indexes. Other factors that may affect the relationship are discussed, including age, gender, personality, and job experience. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Table of Contents:
1An Introduction to Occupational Stress1
2Stressors in the Workplace9
3Job Performance as an Outcome Variable25
4The Evidence: Empirical Research on Stressors and Job Performance43
5Individual Differences Impacting Stressor-Performance Relationships69
6Future Issues in the Study of Occupational Stress and Job Performance91
About the Author129

Books about: Net Compact Framework Programming with C or The Functional Approach to Programming

O'Leary Series: MS Office 2000 Enhanced Edition

Author: Timothy J OLeary

The O’Leary Series is the true step-by step way to develop computer application skills.Its design emphasizes the step-by step visual approach with screen captures for every concept.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Study of Organizations or Terrorism and Business

The Study of Organizations: Positions, Persons, and Patterns

Author: Larry C Ingram

Readers are introduced to basic terms and principles used in the study of organizations as an invitation to further learning. The approach blends classical writing on organizations with current research and examples illustrating key elements of positions, patterns, and persons. A discussion of role analysis shows how these elements enter into the actual behavior of participants. Discussions of such topics as interaction and bureaucracy and a unique chapter on paperwork and record-keeping are presented.


Introduces some basic concepts and principles related to organizations and some typical organizational phenomena. Intended as a course text for undergraduate students who will continue in the field, and as a guide for other students and non-academic readers to understanding and dealing with organizations they encounter in their lives. A lively rather than rigorous treatment. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Look this: EEO Law and Personnel Practices or From Union to Commonwealth

Terrorism and Business: The Impact of September 11, 2001

Author: Yonah Alexander

About the Authors

Dean C. Alexander is a lawyer and writer based in the Washington, D.C., area. He served in executive, legal, and business development roles with companies in the United States, United Kingdom, Israel, Mexico, and Chile. He taught international business law at several universities. He has published 6 books and numerous articles on international business, investment, law, and terrorism.

Professor Yonah Alexander is founder and Co-Director of the Inter-University Center for Legal Studies at the International Law Institute (Washington, D.C.). He has advised U.S. and international companies on corporate security, terrorism, and political risk issues. Dr. Alexander founded and edited Terrorism: An International Journal and Political Communication and Persuasion: An International Journal. He has published over 80 books on the subjects of terrorism, international affairs, and business. Dr. Alexander has appeared on television and radio programs in over 40 countries.


Yonah Alexander (International Center for Terrorism Studies at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies) and Dean Alexander (a lawyer) assess the human and financial costs of terrorism, and place recent attacks in their historical context. Emphasizing business concerns, they examine the targeting of American financial interests by terrorists at home and abroad. They also consider the responses of the business community, workers, and the federal government. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Table of Contents:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

If It Bleeds It Leads or Fundamentals of Marketing Research

If It Bleeds It Leads

Author: Matthew R Kerbel

You’ve been watching television news forever. You’re intimately familiar with the friendly faces and soothing voices that nightly tell you what’s wrong with the world. You think you know everything there is to know about them. You’re wrong.If It Bleeds, It Leads takes us minute-by-minute through two-and-one-half real hours of syndicated, local, and network information programming to uncover the truth behind what passes as news. Why is the only real difference between Jerry Springer and Dan Rather that Dan’s guests usually don’t need medical attention? How did a load of baking powder spark two minutes of high-strung local news coverage? It’s all here: the personal revelations of talk show guests; the dangers lurking in your neighborhood; sports; sex; celebrity; power; and weather updates every ten minutes--all real material taken from real broadcasts designed to keep viewers glued to the screen.

Publishers Weekly

In a scathing critique of local and national television news, Kerbel slyly argues that talk show hosts like Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones and Montel Williams have much more in common with "hard" news anchors like Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings than the anchors would like to admit. Oozing compassion, facilitating the instant resolution of disputes and quickly moving on to new faces and problems, the "talkers" are, in Kerbel's formulation, the close counterparts of prime-time news anchors, who manipulate audiences by emphasizing sound bites and visuals over substance, decontextualizing events, kowtowing to the powerful, famous and wealthy and playing upon viewers' fears or outrage. Drawing on his experience as a former radio news reporter and PBS newswriter and as a political science professor at Villanova University, he alternates italicized excerpts from actual broadcasts with his own fast-paced, acerbic commentary, which is structured like an amorphous chunk of TV talk and news programming, complete with teasers, weather reports and ad breaks. Although Kerbel's critique would have a lot more bite if he had delved into corporate ownership and control of the news media, he uncannily re-creates and simultaneously exposes superficial reporting, titillation and trivial distraction in television news. (Feb.) Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information.

School Library Journal

Adult/High School-From his first words, "WARNING: Everything you are about to read is true," readers know that they are in for a scathing look at television news. Kerbel deconstructs two-and-one-half hours of syndicated, local, and network information programming by analyzing an amalgam of news scripts from four of the largest U.S. media markets on a minute-by-minute basis. His tone is made clear in his Fundamental Rule of televison: "It is a pretend medium." Headlines for each news segment grab readers' attention. Kerbel gives readers a chance to put what they have read into practice by playing a game to create their own lead local story from a list of standard phrases. The author loves stock phrases, often referring to the "newswriter's bible, The Thesaurus of Clich s and Aphorisms." One of his favorites, "Please, use good judgment," allows weathercasters to make only slightly annoying weather conditions look dangerous, if not life threatening, to please their news directors and build their ratings. Kerbel drives home his points with a biting sense of humor. Students will look at the news with a new sophistication after reading this book.-Jane S. Drabkin, Chinn Park Regional Library, Prince William, VA Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.


In a real-time look at television news, this book takes readers minute-by-minute through three-hours of syndicated, local, and network information programming to debunk what passes for news. The format is that of a "composite" of various broadcasts, followed by a brief concluding essay. Kerbel (political science, Villanova University) uses a breezy, ironic voice to play up the silliness and predictability of the television news media. Comparisons are drawn between "tabloid" and respected news shows. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

What People Are Saying

Susan Tolchin
A tour de force…lively, lucid.

Table of Contents:
Disclaimer: Everything you are about to read is truexi
Hour 1Syndicated Talk (The Actual Program You See Will Vary Depending on Where You Live)1
Station Identification
Opening Montage (Roll Tape)
Meet the Hosts
Meet the Guests
Supply Medical Treatment for the Guests
Begin First Protracted Shoving, Punching, and Deleted Dialogue Segment Between Best Friends Who Care About Each Other a Lot
Add Fuel to Fire; Cue Second Bouncer
Begin 2-Minute 45-Second Sibling Shoving, Punching, and Deleted Dialogue Segment
Add More Fuel to Fire; Alert Hospital to Prepare for Injuries
Everyone Realizes This Is the Show
Prepare to Pay Bouncers Overtime
Hour 2Live at Five (Dead by Six)12
Inventing a Riot
A Reassuring Segue
Only Popular Restaurants Are Dangerous
Ad Time-Out: You Will Be on Television
Feeling the Barometric Pressure
What Ever Happened to the Story About the Breast Implants?
Movie--or Reality?
The Great Baking Powder Incident
Ad Time-Out: You Can Be a Newswriter
First Feature: It Could Happen Any Time Without Warning
Segue into Terrifying Weather
Air Quality
Weather Time-Out: You Can Be a Weathercaster
How Many Times Can One Car Smash into a House?
Minor Injuries, Major Pictures
Wicked Winds
Ad Time-Out: May Is the Cruelest Month. February's Not So Great, Either
Second Feature: Extreme Sex
What's Really Important in Philadelphia
Exactly Why Do They Need Weather Reports in San Diego?
Ad Time-Out: You Can Be a News Director
Now, an Ad for an Ad
Third Feature: Implants
After the Surgery
Ad Time-Out: You Can Be a Star
More Sex, Please
Dave Loves Cheesesteaks
Lock Those Doors--and Come Back at Eleven
Hour 3Network77
War Stories
Excuse Me?
But Enough About You
Up Next
Ad Time-Out: Let's Have an Impeachment!
Al Gore Gets a Surprise Makeover
Down to Size
Ad Time-Out: Fear at 6:16, Outrage at 6:20
Scary Cars
Scary Phones
Feeling Fleeced
Ad Time-Out: Take the Fear and Outrage Challenge!
Freaky, Roof-Busting Great Balls of Hail
Fade Out
Postscript: The Sky Keeps Falling127
TV Show
Closing Comments130
About the Author135

New interesting book: 222 Geheimnisse der Einstellung, des Handhabens, und des Behaltens Großer Angestellter in Gesundheitsfürsorge-Praxen

Fundamentals of Marketing Research

Author: Scott M Smith

Fundamentals of Marketing Research covers all facets of marketing research including method, technique, and analysis at all levels. The methodological scope regarding research design, data collection techniques, and measurement is broad with three chapters devoted to the critical area of measurement and scaling.  The presentation is from primarily a pragmatic and user-oriented perspective which aides the student to evaluate the research presented to them. This text explores cutting-edge technologies and new horizons while ensuring students have a thorough grasp of research fundamentals.

Key Features

• Contains a wealth of modern methods and techniques not found in competing texts
•  Provides numerous illustrative cases at the end of each section
•  Integrates international marketing research throughout instead of placing it in a separate chapter
•  Has a full chapter devoted to the essential topic of online research
•  An Instructor's Manual on CD-ROM provides instructors with examination questions, additional background material on discussion questions in the text, and other helpful aids

Fundamentals of Marketing Research has been bundled at no additional cost to the students, with a license to use to prepare and distribute an online survey. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Commodities and Globalization or Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Commodities and Globalization: Anthropological Perspectives

Author: Angelique Haugerud

Today's growing fascination with flows of people, commodities, technology, capital, images and ideas across national and other boundaries poses fresh theoretical and methodological challenges to anthropology. Commodities offer a particularly useful window on globalization because they, unlike electronically conveyed capital, transport cultural messages. These ideological or symbolic transfers are of particular interest to economic anthropology. This collection considers how conceptions and roles of commodities may change in response to widening spheres of economic interaction and exchange. The essays in this volume are ordered under two themes. Those included in the first section, "Commodities in a Globalizing Marketplace," address historically and culturally defined variations in meanings and practices associated with commodities in globalizing markets. In Part Two, "The Circulation and Revaluation of Commodities", contributors analyze how commodity producers' experiences are informed by colonial and post-colonial history, state directives in the marketplace, and locations in dependent or marginalized regions. The chapters all focus on the production process as it responds to, is distorted by and increasingly is controlled by the determination of the value of those commodities outside a "locality".

Author Biography: Angelique Haugerud is an associate professor of anthropology at Rutgers University in New Bruswick, New Jersey. M. Priscilla Stone is Director of International Studies, Cooridinator of African Studies, and an adjunct associate professor of anthropology at Washington University in St. Louis. Peter D. Little lives in Lexington, Kentucky, where he is a professor ofanthropology at the University of Kentucky.

Book about: Absolute Gerechtigkeit: Das Bauen einer Korporativen Kultur, Die Gerades Gespräch Schätzt und Integrität Belohnt

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Giants Fall

Author: Ronald R Sims

Ethical failures are rooted in leadership failure, the lack of a corporate culture in which ethical concerns have been integrated, and unresponsiveness to key organizational stakeholders. This book seeks to enhance our understanding of the causes of ethical debacles in an era when ethical missteps can often lead to corporate bankruptcies or worse.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Future of Business or Competing Devotions

The Future of Business: The Essentials

Author: Lawrence J Gitman

THE FUTURE OF BUSINESS: THE ESSENTIALS, 3e prepares students for a successful career in business by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need to prepare for tomorrow's competitive workplace. Each chapter offers a thorough presentation of business principles and also highlights emerging business trends in fields such as management, leadership, production, marketing and finance. Trends include shifts in economic policies in Europe, the global marketplace, the boom in the service sector, managing workforce diversity, new technology, and more. The text also helps students envision themselves in a business career, revealing possibilities that exist when they select business as a major through new "Exploring Business Careers" opening vignettes and videos. Advanced learning tools such as online learning resources (ThomsonNOW) and the Integrated Learning System help build business competencies. To help students develop high-performance workplace skills, the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) recommends students develop five workplace competencies: using and allocating resources, working with others, acquiring and using information, understanding systems, and working with technology. The "Preparing for Tomorrow's Workplace" activities are designed to develop these workplace skills in students. SCANS competencies and workplace skill-building are key features included in the homework section of each chapter.

Table of Contents:
PART One: THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. 1. Understanding Economic Systems and Business. 2. Making Ethical Decisions and Managing a Socially Responsible Business. Appendix: Understanding the Legal and Tax Environment. 3. Competing in the Global Marketplace. PART Two: BUSINESS OWNERSHIP. 4. Forms of Business Ownership. 5. Entrepreneurship: Starting and Managing Your Own Business. PART Three: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. 6. Management and Leadership in Today's Organizations. 7. Designing Organizational Structures. 8. Managing Human Resources and Labor-Management Issues. 9. Motivating Employees and Creating Self-Managed Teams. 10. Achieving World-class Operations Management. PART Four: MARKETING MANAGEMENT. 11. Creating Products and Developing Pricing Strategies. 12. Distributing and Promoting New Products and Services. PART Five: TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION. 13. Using Technology to Manage Information. 14. Using Financial Information and Accounting. PART Six: FINANCE. 15. Understanding Money and Financial Institutions. 16. Financial Management and Securities Markets. Appendix: Managing Risk and Insurance. Enrichment Chapter: Managing Your Personal Finances. Enrichment Chapter: Using the Internet for Business Success.

Interesting book: The Prince or Hackers

Competing Devotions: Career and Family among Women Executives

Author: Mary Blair Loy

The wrenching decision facing successful women choosing between demanding careers and intensive family lives has been the subject of many articles and books, most of which propose strategies for resolving the dilemma. Competing Devotions focuses on broader social and cultural forces that create women's identities and shape their understanding of what makes life worth living.

Mary Blair-Loy examines the career paths of women financial executives who have tried various approaches to balancing career and family. The professional level these women have attained requires a huge commitment of time, energy, and emotion that seems natural to employers and clients, who assume that a career deserves single-minded allegiance. Meanwhile, these women must confront the cultural model of family that defines marriage and motherhood as a woman's primary vocation. This ideal promises women creativity, intimacy, and financial stability in caring for a family. It defines children as fragile and assumes that men lack the selflessness and patience that children's primary caregivers need. This ideal is taken for granted in much of contemporary society.

The power of these assumptions is enormous but not absolute. Competing Devotions identifies women executives who try to reshape these ideas. These mavericks, who face great resistance but are aided by new ideological and material resources that come with historical change, may eventually redefine both the nuclear family and the capitalist firm in ways that reduce work-family conflict.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Employment Interview Handbook or Materials and Process Selection for Engineering Design Second Edition

The Employment Interview Handbook

Author: Robert W Eder

Research from 26 new authors has been integrated into the revision of The Employment Interview Handbook, a successful volume previously published in 1989 by SAGE Publications.

This new Handbook provides a state-of-the-art review of the research in the area of the employment interview. The editors provide an integrated examination of various streams of research. Leading scholars author the individual chapters and discuss the future of their particular line of research, raising issues in need of further investigation. The book concludes with a summary of the volume implications for theory building, research methods, and effective practice.

This Handbook is particularly appropriate for faculty and students in Industrial/Organization Psychology and Human Resource Management as well as researchers and practitioners in employee selection and employment interview procedures and policies.

Table of Contents:
Employment Interview Research - Robert W Eder and Michael M Harris
Historical Update and Introduction PART ONE: INTERVIEW OUTCOMES: VALIDITY, FAIRNESS AND APPLICANT REACTIONS AND ATTRACTION Validity Evidence - M Ronald Buckley and Craig J Russell Unfair Discrimination Issues - Mark V Roehling, James E Campion and Richard D Arvey Applicant Reactions - Stephen W Gilliland and Dirk D Steiner Enhancing Organizational Reputation to Attract Applicants - Howard M Berkson, Michael M Harris and Gerald R Ferris PART TWO: CONSTRUCTS ASSESSED Expanded Notions of 'Fit'
Assessing Personality - John F Binning, James M LeBreton and Anthony J Adorno Establishing Person-Organization Fit - Charles K Parsons, Daniel M Cable and Robert C Liden Toward More Structured Interviews What Is Being Measured? - Michael M Harris The Situational Interview - Steven D Maurer, Christina Sue-Chan and Gary P Latham Asking About Past Behavior Versus Hypothetical Behavior - Stephan J Motowidlo PART THREE: THE INTERVIEWER'S DECISION MAKING PROCESS Contextual Effects - Robert W Eder Behavioral Confirmation of Interviewer Expectations - Thomas W Dougherty and Daniel B Turban How Indirect Unfavorable Information is Evaluated - K Michele Kacmar and Angela M Young Are Some Interviewers Better Than Others? - Laura M Graves and Ronald J Karren Interviewer Experience and Expertise Effects - Robert L Dipboye and Stacy L Jackson Using Technology - William L Tullar and Paula R Kaiser
The Group Support System PART FOUR: INTERVIEWER - APPLICANT DYNAMICS Communication and Interaction Processes - Fredric M Jablin, Vernon D Miller and Patricia M Sias Impression Management Tactics - David C Gilmore et alInterviewing Training for Both Applicant and Interviewer - David K Palmer, Michael A Campion and Paul C Green PART FIVE: COMMENTARY ON THEORY, RESEARCH AND PRACTICE The Current and Future Status of Research on the Employment Interview - Neal Schmitt The State of Employment Interview Practice - Michael M Harris and Robert W Eder
Commentary and Extension

Go to: Microeconomia Intermediária:uma Aproximação Moderna

Materials and Process Selection for Engineering Design, Second Edition

Author: Mahmoud M Farag

This student-friendly text illustrates how to balance design, materials, process selection, and economic and environmental analysis to optimize manufacturing processes for a given component. Following an overview of product design and development, the three-part book first discusses types of failure and ways to minimize it. Then it examines how material selection and manufacturing processes influence engineering design. The third part integrates technical and economic aspects of material selection. New and revised topics in this edition include new design considerations, environmental impact assessments, life cycle and recycling economics, and materials substitution.

Developing the Public Relations Campaign or The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in East Asian Economic Development

Developing the Public Relations Campaign: A Team-Based Approach

Author: Randy Bobbitt

Developing the Public Relations Campaign takes a simple, easy-to-follow approach that helps students develop a public relations campaign in a service-learning environment.

This text is designed for courses that use a team project approach rather than a traditional lecture/note-taking model. It introduces a three-step process—the PIE chart—that more accurately describes the campaign development process used in the real world than the traditional RACE formula. Its practical approach, with exercises and case studies in every chapter, will guide students through the development of their own public relations campaigns.


  • Uses a service-learning approach that exposes students to worthy community causes and fits into most schools' existing service-learning programs.
  • Emphasizes the team project approach (compatible with the competitive agency model as well as other forms of team projects) helping students learn how to work in teams in class as well as in the real-world.
  • Offers one or more case studies per chapter, helping students learn from real-world examples.
  • About the Authors

    Randy Bobbitt is an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, where he directs the public relations program within the Department of Communication Studies. Prior to going to UNCW, he taught at Marshall University and the University of South Florida. He holds a PhD from Bowling Green State University.

    Ruth Sullivan is an assistant professor at the W. Page Pitt School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Marshall University, where she teaches courses in printjournalism and public relations. Professor Sullivan has received several awards for her work, including two First Place National Federation of Press Women National Awards and a Public Relations Society of America Crystal Award for internal communications in 2000.

    New interesting textbook: Economía Directiva y Arquitectura Organizativa

    The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in East Asian Economic Development

    Author: Takatoshi Ito

    The international flow of long-term private capital has increased dramatically in the 1990s. In fact, many policymakers now consider private foreign capital to be an essential resource for the acceleration of economic growth. This volume focuses attention on the microeconomic determinants and effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the East Asian region, allowing researchers to explore the overall structure of FDI, to offer case studies of individual countries, and to consider their insights, both general and particular, within the context of current economic theory.

    Table of Contents:
    1The Local Content of Japanese Electronics Manufacturing Operations in Asia9
    2Intrafirm Technology Transfer by Japanese Manufacturing Firms in Asia49
    3Location and Internalization Decisions: Sector Switching in Japanese Outward Foreign Direct Investment79
    4Foreign Direct Investment and R&D Spillovers: Is There a Connection?113
    5Affiliates of U.S. and Japanese Multinationals in East Asian Production and Trade147
    6International Joint Ventures, Economic Integration, and Government Policy191
    7The Location of Foreign Direct Investment in Chinese Regions: Further Analysis of Labor Quality213
    8Why Does China Attract So Little Foreign Direct Investment?239
    9The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Korea's Economic Development: Productivity Effects and Implications for the Currency Crisis267
    10Effects of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Home Country Performance: Evidence from Korea295
    11Foreign Direct Investment and Industrial Restructuring: The Case of Taiwan's Textile Industry319
    12Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Taiwan's Manufacturing Industries349
    Author Index371
    Subject Index375

    Wednesday, January 14, 2009

    The Delmars Medical Office Reference Manual or Central Eurasia in Global Politics

    The Delmar's Medical Office Reference Manual

    Author: Doris Humphrey

    This revised reference manual provides students with up-to-date procedures and methods for organizing and managing the administrative responsibilities of today's computerized medical office. It can serve as a supplement for any medical office procedures course as well as a handy reference for those already employed in a medical office. Chapters are broken down into primary office tasks performed by a medical assistant, including coverage of communications, managing information, scheduling, third party billing, grammar, style, and terminology. Within each chapter, topics are numbered and divided into easy-to-follow subtopics. This manual includes coverage of medical ethics and law, the changing health care environment, and finding medical employment. (medical assisting, reference, administration) ALSO AVAILABLE - INSTRUCTOR SUPPLEMENTS CALL CUSTOMER SUPPORT TO ORDER Instructor's Guide
    ISBN: 0-8273-8171-9 Workbook:
    ISBN: 0-8273-8170-0

    Table of Contents:
    1The Medical Office1
    2Finding Medical Employment7
    3Medical Ethics and Medical law21
    4Patient Relations41
    5Telephone Skills59
    6Working in a Team79
    7Scheduling Appointments87
    8Travel Arrangements105
    9Medical Forms and Medical Reports119
    10Medical Correspondence139
    11Word Processing in the Medical Office175
    12Medical Office Files195
    13Accessing On-line Medical Information219
    14Health Insurance Claims227
    15Pegboard and Computerized Accounting Procedures255
    16Medical Billing and Collections277
    17Parts of Speech293
    20Spelling and Word Division349
    App. AMedical Terminology and Abbreviations357
    App. BMedical References367
    App. CChapter Review Exercises371

    Interesting book: Migraines or Sound Medicine

    Central Eurasia in Global Politics: Conflict, Security, and Development, Second Edition

    Author: Mehdi Parvizi Amineh

    This anthology brings together studies of post-colonial, post-Cold War, Central Eurasia. This part of the world is in transition to independent statehood, nation building and the release of market forces. The objective of the work is to better comprehend the process of state-nation building

    Farmers of the Golden Bean or Judgment and Decision Making in Accounting

    Farmers of the Golden Bean: Costa Rican Households and the Global Coffee Economy

    Author: Deborah Sick

    Many of us depend on a morning cup of coffee, but we don't often think about where that coffee comes from and about the people who produced it. Farmers of the Golden Bean explores the network of local economies that connects coffee farmers with distant consumers in industrialized societies.

    In Costa Rica coffee is grown primarily by small household producers who form the country's large, middle-class peasantry. In Farmers of the Golden Bean, Sick examines how these coffee-producing households in Costa Rica cope with the complexities of a globalizing world economy. The analysis of individual and collective responses to the challenges of coffee production addresses issues of gender, family cycles, formal and informal economic activities, and the world coffee market.

    Sick has created a multilayered ethnography, linking relatively isolated, distant, and exotic places with major markets and metropolitan centers. Her unique, integrated analysis of household, regional, and global processes challenges previous assumptions about the nature of economic change and the sustainability of household producers in the global economy.

    Illustrating her anthropological research with poignant narratives, she invites the reader into the lives of Costa Rican farmers and their families. Viewing coffee as part of people's larger efforts to build better lives, she reveals how farming families, acting together and alone, cope with their realities and their dreams in a rapidly changing, unpredictable, and often hostile world. Her ethnographic portrait of Costa Rican coffee farmers will appeal to anthropologists, economists, sociologists, and those interested in Latin American development.

    New interesting book: Mercenaries 2 or Applying Domain Driven Design and Patterns

    Judgment and Decision Making in Accounting

    Author: Sarah E Bonner

    This unique first edition is the only book on the market that delivers a contemporary synthesis of both psychology and accounting literature related to judgment and decision making.


    Judgment and Decision Making in Accounting is structured around an innovative framework that provides a unique way of thinking about JDM projects and organizing JDM research. Developed based on many years of teaching and research on accounting JDM, this unique framework succinctly describes the key issues in accounting JDM research, enabling readers to more quickly assimilate the vast material related to those issues. The framework also provides a basis to help readers evaluate their own current JDM research ideas, as well as generate further research questions.

    Table of Contents:
    CHAPTER 1    Introduction to Judgment and Decision-Making Research

    CHAPTER 2    JDM “Quality”

    CHAPTER 3    Knowledge and Personal Involvement

    CHAPTER 4    Abilities, Intrinsic Motivation, and Other Person Variables

    CHAPTER 5    Cognitive Processes

    CHAPTER 6    Task Variables

    CHAPTER 7    Environmental Variables

    CHAPTER 8    Understanding the Factors that Affect JDM Quality

    CHAPTER 9    Methods for Improving JDM

    CHAPTER 10    Conclusion


    Regions and the World Economy or Accounting Principles

    Regions and the World Economy: The Coming Shape of Global Production, Competition, and Political Order

    Author: Allen J Scott

    The steady globalization of economic activity over the last few decades has intensified the assertion of the region as a critical locus of economic order and as a potent foundation of competitive advantage. This book is a wide-ranging exploration of the economic logic and political meaning of such developments. It presents the economic geography of the modern world as an emerging global mosaic of regional systems of production and exchange.

    Table of Contents:
    1. Regions and the World Economy

    2. The National Economy and the Sovereign State

    3. The Coming Break-Up of National Economies?

    4. The Global Mosaic of Regional Economies

    5. The Regional Foundations of Economic Performance

    6. Collective Order and Regional Development: Social and Cultural Regulation of Local Economic Systems

    7. Prospects for Poor Regions

    8. A World of Regions

    9. The Changing Geopolitics of Production, Competition, and Regional Interdependence

    New interesting book: James Madison or Selected Political Writings

    Accounting Principles: Problem-Solving Survival Guide, Vol. 2

    Author: Jerry J Weygandt

    Accounting Principles, Seventh Edition addresses the issues that our customers-- instructors and students-- have said are important. These include student success, student motivation, student problem-solving skills, student decision-making skills, and technology to assist learning and technology to assist teaching. Click on for details on how we address each of these issues.

    Tuesday, January 13, 2009

    Chemical Management or May the Best Team Win

    Chemical Management: Reducing Waste and Cost Through Innovative Supply Strategies

    Author: Thomas J Bierma

    The only step-by-step guide to an exciting new chemical management and waste minimization methodology

    Over the past decade, a revolutionary new approach to chemical supply has emerged that dramatically reduces chemical waste and chemical costs while improving company performance. Known as Shared Savings Chemical Management, it has already yielded astonishing results for several major North American manufacturing firms and numerous other companies. The first complete guide to this innovative chemical management methodology, Chemical Management acquaints you with Shared Savings principles and shows you how to put them to work in your company.

    Thomas Bierma and Francis Waterstraat Jr. explore the environmental, health and safety, purchasing, inventory, tracking, waste disposal, and other major problems inherent to traditional chemical supply programs, and clearly explain how and why a Shared Savings Chemical Management program helps minimize or completely eliminate those problems. With the help of fascinating case studies, they demonstrate how Shared Savings techniques are currently being applied in five extremely successful plants belonging to GM, Ford, Chrysler, and Navistar International. What's more, they provide you with a complete, step-by-step blueprint for designing and implementing a Shared Savings program tailored to your company.

    Chemical Management is an indispensable resource for manufacturing managers, purchasing managers, environmental managers, health and safety managers, and others charged with developing more effective chemical waste minimization strategies for their companies.

    Chemistry and Industry

    This is a genuinely exciting book.

    Table of Contents:
    It's Time to Change Your Chemical Management Strategy.
    The Chemical Beast: The Hidden Cost of Chemicals.
    Causes of the Chemical Beast.
    Inherently Wasteful Relationships.
    Total Cost of Chemical Ownership.
    Chemicals Affect Product Costs.
    Chemicals and Business Value.
    Alternative Chemical Supply Strategies.
    Elements of Shared Savings Chemical Management.
    Why Shared Savings Works.
    Purchasing and Chemical Management.
    EHS and Chemical Management.
    Concerns and Misconceptions about Shared Savings.
    Chemical Management Case Histories.
    Navistar Engine Plant.
    General Motors Truck and Bus Plant.
    Ford Chicago Assembly Plant.
    Chrysler Belvidere Assembly Plant.
    General Motors Electro-Motive Division.
    Benefits for the Chemical User.
    Benefits for the Chemical Supplier.
    Implementing Shared Savings.
    Shared Savings Contracts.
    The Future of Shared Savings.

    Book review: Italy Al Dente or Ice Carving Made Easy

    May the Best Team Win: Baseball Economics and Public Policy

    Author: Andrew S Zimbalist

    "Since 1922 MLB has benefited from a presumed exemption from the nation's antitrust laws. It is the only top-level professional baseball league in the country, and each of its teams is assigned an exclusive territory. Monopolies have market power, which they use to derive higher returns, misallocate resources, and take advantage of consumers. Major league baseball is no exception." "In May the Best Team Win, Andrew Zimbalist provides a critical analysis of the baseball industry, focusing on the abuses and inefficiencies that have plagued the game since the 1990s, when franchise owners appointed their colleague Bud Selig as MLB's "independent" commissioner." Run by a shrinking and self-selecting group of owners subject to no oversight, MLB suffers from a lack of competitive pressure. Several large franchises are owned by media companies that have shackled their teams to lucrative broadcast and cable contracts - often making it impossible for fans to see games on television. Others own entities that do business with the teams, charging inflated prices for facility management, concessions, and catering. Complex intracompany transactions can reduce franchise revenues substantially, causing operating losses for teams while the owners still make millions.

    The New York Times

    Zimbalist offers a medley of free-market remedies designed to enhance competitive equity. — Lawrence S. Ritter

    The Washington Post

    In his dense but readable book May the Best Team Win: Baseball Economics and Public Policy, economics professor Andrew Zimbalist concerns himself with fixing a different problem in baseball: the competitive advantages of wealthier, big-market teams. He argues that eliminating Major League Baseball's antitrust exemption would eradicate many of the game's problems. If MLB were modeled after European soccer leagues, which often have several teams in a city, the financial advantages held by big-market teams such as the Yankees could be blunted. — Sean Callahan

    Publishers Weekly

    Zimbalist, professor of economics at Smith College, is arguably the leading authority on sports economics in the country. His Baseball and Billions (1992) was one of the first books to take an educated look at the business of baseball, and since the release of that book, Zimbalist has spent thousands of hours researching and writing about the industry. His conclusion in his latest work, that baseball is in trouble, is not a new idea, but the reasons behind baseball's problems and Zimbalist's solutions combine to create an absorbing, provocative discussion. Zimbalist is no friend of baseball owners or baseball commissioner Bud Selig, and he devotes much space to tearing down arguments about the poor financial health of most teams and the need for cities to subsidize teams by paying for new stadiums. Expansion, not contraction, for example, would help spread out talent. The root cause of baseball's problems, Zimbalist argues, is its monopoly, and his most radical idea is for Congress to lift baseball's antitrust exemption and to force divestiture into two competitive leagues. But failing that, Zimbalist has a number of suggestions to improve the status of the game, including attracting younger fans by starting some World Series games at an earlier time; lowering ticket prices; and creating an owner/player partnership to study baseball's problems. At the very least, this volume provides baseball fans with enough material to allow them to engage in one of their favorite pursuits-arguing over what should be done to save the national pastime. (Apr.) Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.

    Library Journal

    Fans who take the health of their game very seriously will profit from reading this original if somewhat wonkish study of major league baseball and its structural economic ills. Zimbalist (economics, Smith Coll.; Baseball and Billions: A Probing Look Inside the Big Business of Our National Pastime) argues that baseball is not always the boon to local economies that it is advertised to be. Major league baseball has put a stranglehold on real competitive balance, and Zimbalist claims that the near-monopoly status is a detriment to any impulse for improvement. His prescriptions offer harsh but needed medicine.

    Germany since Unification or Organizational Behavior

    Germany since Unification: The Development of the Berlin Republic

    Author: Klaus Larres

    A decade after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the GDR, and the end of the Cold War, Germany has begun to cope with the political, economic, social, and nationalistic challenges unification has posed to its institutions and way of life in both the western and eastern part of the once divided nation. The books' 11 authors, all experts in their field, analyze the way united Germany has tackled the many unforeseen problems and highlighted the gradually emerging short and long-term patterns in Germany's slow adjustment to the new realities.


    German unification has lasted long enough for a second edition about it to appear. The 1998 edition is here updated and expanded to account for the government's change of party<-->to Gerhard Schr<:o>der's Red-Green coalition<-->and location<-->to Berlin. Historians and political scientists cover the German question and the revolution of 1989-90, and the domestic and external consequences of Germany unification. Among specific topics are the German party system since unification, racial exclusionism in the new Germany, and Germany's security policy dilemmas. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

    See also: Melhoria de Realização:Como Dirigir o Espaço Branco no Organograma (2o editor)

    Organizational Behavior

    Author: John A Wagner

    Organizational Behavior, 4th edition is a comprehensive and research based examination of modern organizational behavior. The authors present organizational behavior as a way to develop and extend a competitive advantage over the competition. The text has been fully updated and revised to include the latest thinking in organizational behavior research, include interesting and engaging cases and exercises, and a wide range of topics that are important to organizations today.

    Table of Contents:
    PART I. INTRODUCTION. 1. Organizational Behavior. 2. Management and Managers.
    PART II. MICRO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR. 3. Diversity and Individual Differences. 4. Perception, Decision Making, and Creativity. 5. Motivation and High Performance Work Systems. 6. Satisfaction and Stress in the Workplace.
    PART III. MESO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR. 7. Efficiency, Motivation, and Quality in Work Design. 8. Roles, Socialization, and Communication. 9. Group Dynamics and Team Effectiveness. 10. Leadership in Groups and Organizations.
    PART IV. MACRO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR. 11. Power, Politics, and Conflict. 12. Structuring the Organization. 13. Technology, Environment, and Organization Design. 14. Culture, Change, and Organization Development.
    PART V. CONCLUSION. 15. The International Context. 16. Critical Thinking and Research Methods.

    Exploring Microsoft Office 2003 or International Media Studies

    Exploring Microsoft Office 2003, Vol. 2

    Author: Robert T Grauer

    For Introductory Computer courses in Microsoft Office 2003 or courses in Computer Concepts with a lab component for Microsoft Office 2003 applications.

    Master the How and Why of Office 2003!  Students master the "How and Why" of performing tasks in Office and gain a greater understanding of how to use the individual applications together to solve business problems.

    Books about: Introdução para Contabilidade de Gestão

    International Media Studies

    Author: Divya McMillin

    International Media Studies is a bold introduction to the field that focuses on a de-centering of media epistemology to represent a more thorough world-view.

    • A comprehensive textbook exploring the current state of media studies as it is being practised across the world

    • Takes discussions about media studies beyond other textbooks, by situating the subject firmly in an international context appropriate to the globalized, 21st century

    • Surveys our reception of a wide variety of media content and formats including television, magazines, fiction, newspapers, and popular music

    • Considers both theoretical and much-needed ethnographic perspectives on media studies

    • Showcases global and local media patterns in a variety of countries around the world, including examples from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

    Table of Contents:
    Preface     ix
    Acknowledgments     xii
    Introduction     1
    From International Communication to Media Globalization     8
    Mapping the Book     14
    The Fixity of Nation in International Media Studies     18
    The Modern Nation in All its Glory     19
    The Legacy of the Modern Nation     26
    Early Research in International Communication     28
    The Critical Turn     34
    Connecting Structure and Culture in International Media Studies     47
    The Culturalist and Structuralist Paradigms of Cultural Studies     49
    Feminist Theory and Cultural Studies     51
    The Postcolonial Approach to International Media Studies     54
    Reviving the Pure Nation: Media as Postcolonial Savior     66
    Defining the Third World     69
    Mass Media as Extensions of Colonial Administrative Power     71
    Mass Media as Nation Builders and Postcolonial Saviors     77
    The Telenovela for National Development     89
    Restoring the Female Nation     91
    Rescuing the Brown Woman     93
    Disciplining the Peasant and the Prostitute     95
    Competing Networks, Hybrid Identities     101
    Star TV and TransnationalMedia Networks     104
    Policing the Skies     108
    Hybridity and the Globalization of Television Formats     111
    Grounding Theory: Audiences and Subjective Agency     134
    International Audience Studies     135
    Contributions of Anthropology to International Media Studies     143
    Postcolonial Interventions in Audience Research     147
    Differences between Western and Non-Western Viewing Experiences     150
    Agency, Subjectivity, and Subjective Agency     157
    Audience Agency and Resistance     158
    Limited Agency and Subjectivity     169
    Theorizing Audience Agency and Limited Subjectivity     176
    Reconfiguring the Global in International Media Studies     179
    Expanding International Media Studies to Non-"Hot Spots"     185
    Interrogating Notions of Fluidity of Audiences and Media     186
    Moving Away from the Nation as a Unit of Analysis     190
    Moving Away from the Centrality of Media within Society     191
    Extending Analyses beyond a Critique of Cultural Imperialism     193
    Historicizing International Media Studies     194
    Engaging in Comparative Research     195
    Relating Research to Activism     195
    The Politics of International Media Research     202
    Negotiating the Complexities of Fieldwork within Academia     204
    Negotiating Power in the Field     207
    The Politics of Representing Ethnographic Research     209
    Challenges to Activist Research     210
    Criticisms of Critical Research     212
    International Media and the Viability of the Nation-State     215
    Notes     222
    References     231
    Index     262